Next Meetings

Sellindge is situated on the A20 between Ashford and Folkestone.

Parish Councillors meet every second Tuesday of the month in the Durling Hall, Sellindge Village Hall from 6pm.

Residents of the parish are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings.


The Parish Council office is located behind the Village Hall and is open to the public on
Tuesdays 9.30am to 12.30pm and Fridays 12.00pm to 3.00pm.

Mondays and Wednesdays, staff will also be available for prior booked appointments.  



Village Road Closures

Free Dog Poo Bags

Dog poo bags are still available from Nigel at Trust Cottages in Moorstock Lane, he puts them on a patio chair outside his house.

These can also be collected from the office.

Community Speedwatch

After restarting Community Speedwatch in Sellindge we are starting to see some results and we have received thanks from many residents for being active in the village once more. 

We are always looking for new volunteers - so if you have a spare hour or two please contact the office and we will be happy to assist you in training and then adding you to one of our active groups. 

Recent results - a team out for one hour in the morning recorded 205 cars passing in one direction with 12 of those vehicles recorded for driving in excess of the speed limit.