Stanley Bull

It is with sadness that the Parish Council has to report the death of Stanley Bull (known as Pip, to many of his family and Friends), he had been poorly for some time, and although he had not been to many meetings this year, maintained an interest in the life of the village and the Parish Council.

Stan had lived and worked in and around Sellindge all his life and had been a Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council for many, many years.

He will be sorely missed, along with his knowledge and history of the village. The Parish Council will be looking at ways to remember him,

Sellindge is situated on the A20 between Ashford and Folkestone.
Parish Councillors meet every second Tuesday of the month in the Durling Hall, Sellindge Village Hall from 6pm.
Residents of the parish are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings.
The Parish Council office is located behind the Village Hall and is open to the public on
Tuesdays 9.30am to 12.30pm and Fridays 12.00pm to 3.00pm.
Mondays and Wednesdays, staff will also be available for prior booked appointments.
Free Dog Poo Bags

Dog poo bags can be collected from the council office. When the office is closed they are still available from Nigel at Trust Cottages in Moorstock Lane, he puts them on a patio chair outside his house.

There are 50 bags in each pack and are for residents only, not to hand on to other family members outside of the Parish. Sellindge is one of very few Parish Councils that supply dog poo bags so please don't take more than you need. 

Community Speedwatch
Neighbourhood Plan - (NHP) 
Lithium  Batteries Feb 2025